How Much Do I Feed my Cat / Dog?
Probably the question I get asked the most is: How much do I feed my cat or dog on a raw diet? Okay, so I'll give you the standard answer (which ca...
Probably the question I get asked the most is: How much do I feed my cat or dog on a raw diet? Okay, so I'll give you the standard answer (which ca...
Thought I'd share with you my latest raw-feeding flip flop. I used to be a real feed-em-frozen type of raw feeder. "Gives them a better chew and mo...
Over the past few days we've had a wave of senior dogs drop by our store in search of the proverbial fountain of youth. Their owners all had esse...
I now understand what it is to eat kibble every day, after all, I'm kind of doing it now. Yeah, that's right. You see, I decided to kickstart my ...
It's a question I'm asked daily, "How do I start my dog (or cat) on a raw diet"? It's also an excellent question and one I had back when I starte...
The world is flat. Doctors using leeches. Smoking is okay for you. Dark Ages stuff, eh? But unless you feed your cat or dog a raw diet, that's we...
Lately I've had a change of mind about not just my dog's feeding schedule, but for most dogs. You see, I used to be a proponent of once-a-day fee...
One of the most popular raw-feeding FAQs I get is, "How much do I feed my dog?" It's a good question, but there are a number of variables to cons...