The Pig in the Park
Yesterday while walking my dog in the park, I see from afar what looks to be a heavy-set dog. As I approached the couple strolling through the par...
Yesterday while walking my dog in the park, I see from afar what looks to be a heavy-set dog. As I approached the couple strolling through the par...
Heart-warming story for the day. Pedro here, was a mangy rescue dog from Mexico. Martine, a Montreal resident, adopted him a couple years ago (an...
So a delivery guy comes into our store late in the day. Takes a look around and sees our impressive display of ra...
Disons que j'ai mordu dans mon méga-sandwich grillé avec peut-être un peu trop d'enthousiasme. Le toast abrasif a raclé mes gencives et les a légè...
Salmon is perfect for a dog like this or for my Welsh terrier who burns a ton of calories just staring out the window. Some dogs just have the metabolism similar to those people who can eat anything and not put on weight. It's just the way they are. Fortunately, there's salmon the perfect protein meat.
La question que l'on me pose le plus souvent est probablement la suivante : Quelle quantité de nourriture dois-je donner à mon chat ou à mon chien ...
Thought I'd share with you my latest raw-feeding flip flop. I used to be a real feed-em-frozen type of raw feeder. "Gives them a better chew and mo...
Over the past few days we've had a wave of senior dogs drop by our store in search of the proverbial fountain of youth. Their owners all had esse...
I now understand what it is to eat kibble every day, after all, I'm kind of doing it now. Yeah, that's right. You see, I decided to kickstart my ...
C'est une question que l'on me pose tous les jours : "Comment puis-je commencer à nourrir mon chien (ou mon chat) avec une alimentation crue ? C'...
The world is flat. Doctors using leeches. Smoking is okay for you. Dark Ages stuff, eh? But unless you feed your cat or dog a raw diet, that's we...
Lately I've had a change of mind about not just my dog's feeding schedule, but for most dogs. You see, I used to be a proponent of once-a-day fee...