How to Make Your Pets Eat Their Food

The other day I asked a customer if his dog liked fish.
"Of course," he replied. "My dog will eat anything. Shouldn't they all?"
The short answer is yes, a dog should really eat anything, although some have allergies to certain foods, like grain or even chicken. Still, while they may have certain reactions to specific foods, that doesn't necessarily mean they won't eat it. A dog is probably one of the least picky of animals; after all, they are part scavenger. I shudder at the thought of some of the gnarly tidbits that my dog, DJ, has gobbled down with gusto. In fact I often joke that the more unsavory-looking the morsel of food is, the more he seems to relish it.
Yet there are times when I feed DJ something that he doesn't lunge for, but that's okay. Think about it: does your kid lunge for cauliflower? Just because a dog doesn't jump for joy, doesn't mean he doesn't like that food. Maybe he's not hungry, maybe he ate something tastier the day before, who knows? When that happens to my dog, I'll leave the food in his bowl for about half an hour and if he doesn't eat it, I'll put it away. One thing for certain: I will not give DJ something else. He simply won't eat until his next scheduled regular meal. And that meal will be the same thing he didn't eat the day before. I'm pleased to report that DJ always eats it the second time around. If it's one thing I won't stand for, it's a picky eater.
Try this out on your cat or dog and see what happens. I'm betting that he'll eat it. Remember, you're the pack leader and you decide what's on the menu.