Why You Should Feed Your Puppy a Raw Diet

This pic says it about my dog, DJ. Inquisitive, curious, taking it all in very intensely while he watches another dog get groomed. Of course, he's always that way, alert and tuned into the situation, an excellent watch dog. If he barks at home, I know there's something going on.
I'm always amazed by his agility and often joke that he's part monkey, part squirrel. This canine athlete jumped onto the wood chair in this pic with great ease and elan. No small feat considering it's 18 inches off the ground and he's only 15 inches tall. That would be the same thing as if a 6-foot man took a standing jump onto a 7-foot chair. Mind-boggling!
Also note the silhouette of his lithe body, perfect muscle tone, excellent flexibility, pretty good for a 7-year old dog. I'm convinced that his varied raw diet plays an important part in his overall well-being. DJ has been raised on raw since he's 8-weeks old and has never been sick for even one day. In fact, his breeder was so impressed with his physical form that she switched her entire kennel to raw feeding. But don't take my word for it, feeding is believing. If you're currently a raw feeder, expand your pet's diet, try something new. (I do it with DJ all the time). And if you're not feeding raw by now, check out our extensive product line and let your pet decide. After all, raw is right!