Why Your Dog's Poop Changes on Different Diets

I apologize in advance, a blog post about poo isn't exactly the most savory of topics. Nonetheless, for us pet owners, it's a fact of life. A fact of life I may add, that's a lot easier to handle when your cat or dog is on a raw diet.
Here's the deal: the moisture content of meat is over 70%, for fruit and veggies it's even higher. Consequently once the food is digested, most of it is distributed in liquid form throughout your pet's body. The good stuff like proteins and vitamins are absorbed into their systems, while the excess water is expelled through urination.
Contrast this to kibble which has maybe - on a good day - a 10% moisture content, so there's an awful lot of solid stuff that has exit the body after digestion...poo in other words. Lots of it, particularly if you're a kibble-feeder of a large dog.
Which transports me back in time when I transitioned my 85-pound pooch from kibble to a raw diet and witnessed his poo production drop like a sumo wrestler on a bungee jump. I henceforth traded in my heavy-duty pooper-scooper for dainty scented poop bags, not that I even needed that delicate bouquet of fragrance. My dog's new-and-improved poo was essentially odor-free and pick-up-friendly.
Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles, my life in the waste management business of malodorous canine scat was over. From that point on, I was able to enjoy the fresh air during my dog walk and that was enough to convert me into a raw-food evangelist. It also made me realize how much of kibble was just filler. After all, poo is basically extraneous food matter that the body doesn't need. Y'know, garbage in, garbage out. What more needs to be said?