The Benefits of Seal Oil for Your Cat and Dog

"You anointed my head with oil; My cup runneth over."
Ever wonder why kings were anointed with oil? Why not water or wine or melted butter?
Because pure oil of almost any kind is a source of life, a golden elixir of all that is good. It fortifies the body, heals wounds and can protect your pet.
I'm talking seal oil, my friends, a godly extract loaded with powerful biologically active antioxidants that can reduce your cat or dog's risk of chronic diseases.
Seal oil is the best complete source of long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids containing all three ingredients (EPA, DHA & DPA), the closest thing to mother's milk. Think about how that protects a baby. Now think about how it can protect your pet.
Science says:
The health benefits of Omega-3s are well-established, known to reduce inflammation, boost brain function, increase cardiovascular health, and strengthen bones, vision, and the immune and nervous systems. Omega-3s are crucial to normal growth and development, and though they are found in every cell in the body, they are not produced by the body and must be accessed through food or supplements. Research indicates Omega-3s have a role to play in the prevention of arthritis, strokes, certain cancers, and some chronic diseases. Seal oil is a well-rounded supplement with no known adverse side effects—but a growing list of benefits.
Seal oil is the stuff of king anointments, it's a must for your cat or dog. A couple squirts of it on your pet's meal every morning and he's good to go.
So why wouldn't you?
Buy 2 bottles of Seal Oil and get 1 free! Seriously, Order Now!
Offer expires March 15.