So excited to let you know about our great new product, Arctic Mix, that includes seal oil, a product that I believe offers the most benefits for your pet than anything - anything else on the market. Seal Oil
Seal Oil has the power of 3 fatty acids: DPA + EPA + DHA. DPA occurs naturally in a few places. Seal Oil and mother’s breast milk are two. DPA increases overall Omega-3 retention and it intensifies the benefits of traditional Omega-3’s (DHA & EPA).
The mammalian molecular triglyceride structure of the seal will be more easily assimilated by your pet which means optimal digestion and absorption for better results.
Mrs. Meadys' seal oil comes from pristine and icy waters surrounding the Magdalen Islands and the coast of Newfoundland. Seals represent an abundant and renewable resource and their harvest is part of a responsible and sustainable marine ecosystem management.
Sourced and made right here in Canada, It's processed to the same high standards as human Omega-3 products and provides the same health supporting attributes.
Along with all these other good things, seal oil for can also act as an appetite stimulant for those pets who may not always jump for joy at their usual food. The natural seal oil taste of our Arctic Mix is one that cats and dogs just can’t deny!
There are many benefits an Omega-3 can provide to a pet, but one of the biggest is the ability to fight inflammation. Inflammation is often directly tied to allergies in pets and many common skin and dander issues. Omega-3’s have been found to help in cases of dry skin and other similar disorders. Science has shown clearly that fatty acid supplementation has huge benefits.
There are many studies that have been done, but perhaps the clearest conclusion came from these ones:
Omega-3 also works for cats: “[…] fish and flaxseed oil can reduce skin inflammatory responses in cats, however, flaxseed oil appears less immunosuppressive than fish oil.“
This means that if your pet has these issues an Omega-3 could be a life-changer for them.
There are numerous other benefits that have been tied to Omega-3 usage in pets which has veterinary professionals turning to them as a natural treatment for animals more and more. One that has been looked at and studied right here in Canada is mobility issues in dogs.
Researchers at the University of Montreal were able to determine that adding Omega-3 to a dog’s diet resulted in significant improvement for those having issues moving around. This study as compared the effect of a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids compared to a regular diet over a period of 13 weeks in dogs afflicted by naturally occurring osteoarthritis: “In lame occurring osteoarthritis dogs, a veterinary therapeutic diet that contains high level of omega-3 from fish origin improved the locomotor disability and the performance in activities of daily living. Such nutritional approach appears interesting for the management of osteoarthritis.”
Another study concluded, “According to owners, dogs fed the [Omega-3 supplemented] food had a significantly improved ability to rise from a resting position and play at 6 weeks and improved ability to walk at 12 and 24 weeks, compared with control dogs.”
Another study conducted on cats has shown that: “Cats on the fish oil revealed higher activity level, more walking up and down the stairs, less stiffness during gait, more interaction with the owner and higher jumps compared to those on corn oil supplementation.“
If your family pup or kitty is getting older Arctic Mix for pets could help ensure their later years are as good as possible.
This is one of the most well-known benefits for humans. And wouldn’t you know it, Omega-3’s can also have huge benefits for pets as well! Once again, science has investigated and come to the conclusion that Omega-3’s aren’t just helping pets, in some cases they could even be life-savers.
In general, the studies show that adding more fatty-acids to your pet’s diet can help for common issues like arrhythmia:
“EPA may ameliorate the decrease in adiponectin and the increase in insulin and triglyceride concentrations in obese cats.“ (Mazaki-Tovi, 2011)
If your dog or cat has heart issues it is certainly time to look into our Arctic Mix.
This all comes back to the ability of Omega-3’s to target inflammation. Many immune system disorders in both humans, dogs and cats are related to inflammation and seal oil is very powerful at fighting this. Essential Fatty Acids like seal oil remain important mid-life and then later throughout the aging process, as they have a positive effect on the immune system:
An Omega-3 supplementation (especially DHA) is beneficial beginning with gestation and early development and is important for neurological and retinal growth:
Therefore, any dog or cat breeder or any person who intends to get a puppy or a kitten in the near future should
* (DISCOUNT CODE SE25. Minimum order $50)
So, we’re shown you clearly that the science is in: seal oil will help your dog or cat live a better life from day one to that unfortunate time we have to say goodbye. In between, seal oil can ensure that you and your cherished animal can enjoy as many great times together as possible. And really, that’s what it’s all about.