A Winter's Treat
It was a Homer-Simpson moment as I blissfully napped dreaming of donuts… Strawberry, chocolate, all-dressed... Then reality bit me on the butt w...
It was a Homer-Simpson moment as I blissfully napped dreaming of donuts… Strawberry, chocolate, all-dressed... Then reality bit me on the butt w...
Art Kirschenblatt, my roly poly fourth-grade art teacher, would waddle up and down the classroom in a rage — desk by desk — with the same critique ...
New Year resolutions? Bah! I'd rather rack up the bad habits and live in the past. Retro beats reality in my books, as in: Back in my day -- We tre...
I was in Miami over the Christmas holiday; so many dogs! And I may add -- super well-behaved dogs. People take them everywhere, a veritable feast f...
Texture is an integral part of the Great Culinary Experience. Whether it's sinking your choppers into a juicy steak, crunching on a carrot, or slur...
What parent hasn’t been hounded by their kid for a dog? I want a dog I want it now I do not want A horse or cow I was one of those ki...
You’ve heard it ad nauseum — socialize your dog from the get go. Seems obvious, eh? Everyone knows that dogs are social creatures. Solid citize...
On-demand feeding works best for my dog, DJ. When he’s hungry, he'll let me know -- either by nodding his head, whining, or shouting in my ear, “Fe...
One of the great benefits of a raw diet is its exceedingly high moisture content, something in the range of 75%. This means that a raw-fed cat or d...
There was a home invasion across the street from us this week. Scary stuff. Screaming, squealing tires, cops, ambulance - the whole nine yards. Ine...
I’m that idiot stopped next to you at the red light. Stereo cranked up to thunderous, carpool karaoke-ing to the Stones, (Lizzo if no one's lookin...
Monday morning again.Good grief. Before I even crawl out of bed, I’m jarred awake by the ruckus outside my house: The gardener's nuclear leaf-blowe...